How to wash my Tinas Hair Extensions?

in Apr 16, 2023

You bought your Tinas Hair Extensions, but you still don't know how to wash them correctly. Follow the instructions below and see how easy it is.

  • You should wash your hair extensions in cold water.
  • First brush the hair extensions, still dry, from the ends to the roots.
  • We recommend that you wash it in the sink under running water, holding the appliqué by the base.
  • Use the shampoo and conditioner of your choice, but make sure it is salt-free. Always apply the shampoo from top to bottom, always massaging gently in the indicated direction.
  • Rinse well.
  • After, apply the conditioner, and let it act between 1 to 2 minutes and rinse well.
  • Dry with a soft towel and let it dry naturally.
  • Washing frequency depends on use, but you can wash every 20 days or when needed.

Any in doubt? Contact us.